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Saturday December 06, 2008 - Wine Refrigerators

The Best Articles on Wine Refrigerators

La Rioja - Spain's Wine Capital

Descending from the foothills of the Sierra del Moncayo in North East Spain is La Rioja - Spain's smallest region. It is an area renowned for its natural beauty and, of course, for its wines. Flanked by mountains to its north and south - and with the River Ebro running through it - La Rioja benefits from a unique microclimate. The land here is protected from cold winds and low temperatures, making it a very special place in which to grow vines. Indeed, the first thing you notice on entering the region is the uninterrupted view of vineyards that seem to spread across the rolling countryside.

Three distinct wine-growing areas exist in La Rioja. In the far east, and stretching across the regional border into Navarra, is Rioja Baja. This is the hottest and driest part of the region. The soils are also very fertile, making it a prime location in which to grow the Garnacha grape.

Coming westwards we find the Rioja Alavesa region. Here the climate is moderated by cooler breezes that descend from the mountains. The soils in Rioja Alavesa are of the calcareous clay variety and lend themselves well to producing the finest of La Rioja's red wines from the Tempranillo grape.

Rioja Alta is the third wine-growing area in La Rioja. The climate here is much cooler and wetter owing to its height and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. The soil composition in Rioja Alta is similar to that of Rioja Baja. It is the climate though that has the biggest impact on wines from this area.

Visiting La Rioja Wineries

As you might very well imagine, La Rioja is packed full of wineries to visit. Logrono and Haro should top the list, but don't ignore the more rural areas. Visitors can expect a warm welcome at whichever winery is chosen.

Getting to La Rioja

Bilbao on the North Spanish coast is the nearest international airport to La Rioja. From there the region can be reached within a couple of hours. Closer in there are small domestic airports. Vitoria and Zaragoza are both served by the international airports at Madrid and Barcelona. Car hire can be booked in advance for pick up at any of these airports by visiting

About the Author

Seb Jay is a freelance writer specializing in the origination of web content for

Short Review on Wine Refrigerators

La Rioja - Spain's Wine Capital

Descending from the foothills of the Sierra del Moncayo in North East Spain is La Rioja - Spain's smallest region. It is an area renowned for its natu...

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Featured Wine Refrigerators Items

The FTD Sunshine Splendor Arrangement - Standard

An arrangement to spread some cheer at a difficult time. Yellow roses, orange snapdragons and yarrow are surrounded by white spider chrysanthemums and orange carnations. Appropriate to send to a home or to a funeral. S7-3477S

Price: 119.99 USD

News about Wine Refrigerators

What We Ate and Drank Last Night

Wed, 03 Dec 2008 19:14:49 -0800
Left in the roasting pan after the turkey was done on Thanksgiving was a dark, glossy sludge of turkey juice, a La Brea Tar Pit of gravy. No need to let that wonderful, elemental gunk go to waste, so LL made a risotto using this turkey slag, slightly diluted with chicken broth because it was so thick, as the base. That and shallots and thyme. It was, in a word, divine. It was, in nine words, one of the best risottos I have ever eaten. My heart quails before menus that use the term “creamy risot

Fennel Risotto

Wed, 03 Dec 2008 18:54:00 -0800
Good lord I can't believe it is December already. Where did the year go? Between work, parenting, election and the economy.... bbbzzzzzaaapppp! I haven't even gotten up to the Met to see the Morandi exhibit. How someone could so happily paint so many bottles for so long is beyond me. Well, no, that's a lie. I love that kind of obsessive focus on a problem, like Lucien Freud and his portraits. I'm totally obsessive too, but my obsessions tend to rotate. I can feel the breeze of art obsessio

Wine wisdom in Los Angeles (Los Angeles Times)

Wed, 03 Dec 2008 00:23:03 -0800
Restaurants can be great places to explore vintages, thanks to proprietors' expertise, passion and respect for customers' budgets. S. Irene Virbila restaurant critic For those of us who love wine, Los Angeles is a wonderful city for all things vinous. We have some of the best wine shops in the country, so competitive with one another that the selection of wines and favorable pricing trump ...

Drink beer to avoid cancer -

Sun, 23 Nov 2008 07:56:37 -0800
A team of ‘BiOWLogists’ from Rice University, plan to unveil an anticancer beer, dubbed ‘BioBeer.’ It will contain resveratrol, ‘a chemical in wine that’s been shown to reduce cancer and heart disease in lab animals.’ If the team succeeds in creating such a beer, you will be able to choose to die from cancer or alcoholism!

Turning Beer Into Wine, One Gene At A Time

Sat, 08 Nov 2008 10:05:35 -0800
A group of students at Rice University is working to improve Joe Six-Pack's health by taking a chemical found in red wine and genetically engineering it into beer.

Wine Course
Wine Stoppers


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9:15 AM

Saturday 12/06/08 - Wine Writer

A Featured Wine Writer Article

History of Napa Wine

History of Napa Wine:

" Napa" means a land of plenty. This part of world is full of rivers, migrating birds especially waterfowls and the valley of greeneries with plenty of wildcats, elk, black bear and grizzlies. But the most precious asset of this valley is the winegrapes.The early visitors like George Calvert found the valley's wine grape productivity skill. He took the initiative to harvest wine grapes in this valley in 1836.The other main pioneers of this project were John patchett the first person to plant vineyard commercially along with Hamilton Walker Crabb,who researched with over 400 species of grape.

The wine grape revolution was further carried by Charles Krug who started the winery business in 1861 and according to the statistics there were almost 150 wineries working commercially by 1889.Some earlier wineries were Schramsberg (founded in 1862), Beringer (1876) and Inglenook (1879).As the life is not always the bed of roses, the rapid growth of wine industry faced the prices crash problem and the phylloxera - a North American species of insects gave a stunning blow to the vintners by attacking the wide areas of wine grape.

Wine Prohibition and its after effect:

The bigger threat faced by the Napa Valley's wine business in 1920, with the enactment of Prohibition. All vineyards were

Dissipated by the owners and winemakers switched to other businesses for next 14 years. Some surviving wineries were operating on Sacramental wine production. As a whole, the wine market of Napa Valley was flopped down. With the withdrawal of prohibition in 1933, the renaissance of Napa wine commenced with an era of recovery and followed by fabulous growth.

Early Vintners in Napa Valley:

The wine history of Napa Valley witnessed another turning point in early 1940; when a band of vintners meet together to share their own concepts on grape harvesting and wine marketing under a friendly atmosphere with some good food and wine. This group established an association of Napa Valley Vintners, a driving chamber of commerce devoted for the advancement of Napa wine both in the country and abroad.

Napa Wine Growers:

The grape growers of Napa Valley were not so organised before mid-70's.But things were changed in 1975 when Napa Valley growers joined their hands with the vintners to reach the common goal of advancing the Napa Wine throughout the world.


A new face of Napa wine revealed in early 1980's when the Napa Valley auction was first time sponsored in Meadowood resort. Since then, this vintner's fraternity-sponsored Napa Valley wine and food festival has become the most successful charity wine event. Participants from different part of the world used to come here and celebrate the fest. More than $60 million fund has been raised for the benefit of health, social affairs and youth programmes.

These days' total 300 wineries are operating in Napa Valley and both the growers and vintners are implementing all the contemporary technologies blended with age-old methods.

Roles played by the Vintners to make Napa Wine popular:

The vintners are a local business group with an effective participation of more than 290 wineries, presenting the heritage of vintners and grape growers - working and wooing for the development of this wine producing region.

The vineyards have been part of the Napa Valley for over 160 years. The first vineyards was planted in 1836 and the Napa town was established in 1848,at that time there were 70,000 vineyards which enhanced to 2,00,000+ by 1860.Wines from Inglenook, Charles Krug, Beringer and others received the international fame in the late 19th century.

The original activists of Napa Valley vintner's fraternity often called themselves as a "food-loving and drinking society". They set their focus more in hospitality and marketing services of Napa wine across the world. It gives the Napa wine a unique face throughout the world.

Problems and Threats faced by the Napa Wine:

In addition to phylloxera attack and Prohibition in 1929 there were some other problems faced by the Napa wine industries; such as the after war effects on the market. That time the industry was running out of capital, human resources and raw materials. These problems were the reason behind the establishment of Vintners association in 1943.

Official Target of Vintners fraternity:

1. Commitment to the future development of Napa Valley's land, wine and society.

2. Providing a common and unified voice to uphold the interests of the vintners.

3. Meeting challenges threats more actively and invent new ideas to make Napa Wine popular.

About the Author

Abhijit Dey for
Read more about Wines
Copyright 2006

A Short Wine Writer Summary

History of Napa Wine

History of Napa Wine:
" Napa" means a land of plenty. This part of world is full of rivers, migrating birds especially waterfowls and the valley of gr...

Click Here to Read More About Wine ...

Recommended Wine Writer Items

The FTD Springtime Floral Basket - Standard

When a small expression is all you need, this mini basket of alstroemeria and carnations will fill the bill. C4-3018S

Price: 36.99 USD

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Tue, 30 Sep 2008 07:24:25 -0700
Usually we think of red wine as smoothing the transition from summer to autumn, as in slightly darker, more substantial pinot noirs and merlots that will lead eventually to full-bodied cabernets, zinfandels and syrahs. (If you have been cooking red meat out on the grill this summer, of course you’ve been drinking those full-bodied red wines anyway, at least occasionally.) Some white wines, however, can have a spicy savory quality that sets them apart from the delicacy and scintillating freshnes

Organic Wine


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