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2008 - Wine Kits

A Featured Wine Kits Article

I Love Italian Wine and Food - The Friuli-Venezia Giuli Region

If you are looking for fine Italian wine and food, consider the Friuli-Venezia Giuli region of northern Italy. You may find a bargain, and I hope that you?ll have fun on this fact-filled wine education tour.

Friuli-Venezia Giuli is a mountainous area tucked away in the northeast corner Italy, bordering on Austria and Slovenia. Experts believe that Friuli-Venezia Giuli was first inhabited twenty thousand years ago. Like most regions of Italy, it has belonged to many nations over the years. Unlike most regions of Italy, it remains multicultural, an exceptional mixture of Italian, Austrian, and Slavic influences. To make this article easier to read, we will replace the region?s full name by its first part, Friuli. The total population is less than 1.2 million.

While Friuli is home to a wide variety of agricultural products, most farmers don?t get rich. The farms tend to be small and much of the land is infertile, suitable only for grazing and grapes. Unfortunately the Adriatic sea is in poor condition and fishing is on the decline. However, a wide variety of seafood is available. Friuli?s best-known food is San Daniele prosciutto, an uncooked ham aged in sea salt for over a year. Gourmets debate whether this ham or its cousin prosciutto di Parma from the Emilia-Romagna region in northwestern Italy is the best ham in the world.

Friuli?s administrative center is Trieste, which only became part of Italy in 1954. This city was once the principle port of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Like Vienna, Austria, Trieste is filled with caf?s. It is also home to the famous International Center for Theoretical Physics.

Friuli devotes about one hundred fifty thousand acres to grapevines, it ranks 14th among the 20 Italian regions. Its total annual wine production is about 27 million gallons, giving it a 13th place. Approximately 48% of its wine production is red or ros? (only a little ros?), leaving 52% for white. The region produces 9 DOC wines. DOC stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata, which may be translated as Denomination of Controlled Origin, presumably a high-quality wine and 1 DOCG white dessert wine, Ramandolo. The G in DOCG stands for Garantita, but there is in fact no guarantee that such wines are truly superior. Over 60% of Friuli wine carries the DOC or DOCG designation. Friuli is home to almost four dozen major and secondary grape varieties, about half white and half red.

Widely grown international white grape varieties include Pinot Grigio, often called Pinot Gris outside of Italy, Pinot Bianco, often called Pinot Blanc outside of Italy, Chardonnay, and Sauvignon Blanc. The best known strictly Italian white varieties are Tocai Friulano and Verduzzo Fruilano, exemplified in the DOCG wine, Ramandolo.

Widely grown international red grape varieties include Merlot, grown in Fruili for well over one hundred years, Cabernet Franc, and Cabernet Sauvignon. The best-known strictly Italian red variety is Refosco. Fruili?s candidate for grape variety with the most unusual name is Tazzelenghe, which means tongue cutter in the local dialect. While I have never tasted any wines based on this grape, I can guess that they won?t be delicate.

Before we reviewing the Friuli wine and cheese that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with indigenous wines when touring this beautiful region.
Start with Cjalzons con Ripieno di Cioccolata e Spinaci, Chocolate and Spinach Filled Pasta with Smoked Ricotta.

Then try Capesante alla Triestina, Broiled Scallops and Oysters with Watercress. And for dessert, indulge yourself with Strucolo di Ricotta, Ricotta Strudel. If you are like me, you think of Austria or Hungary, when you hear the word Strudel.

OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY While we have communicated with well over a thousand Italian wine producers and merchants to help prepare these articles, our policy is clear. All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.

Wine Reviewed
Pighin Pinot Grigio 2005 Grave del Fruili 12.5% alcohol about $13.50

I?ll start by quoting the marketing materials. ?Toast, white flowers and mineral on the involved nose, this light-bodied white is all about zing, verve, and refreshing citrus flavors. Some notes of pit fruit, but mainly built to match up to seafood. Try with friends and grilled scampi drizzled with lemon juice.?

I first tasted this wine with sesame seed covered filo dough stuffed with hamburger meat and accompanied by zucchini in a tomato sauce. It was pleasantly acidic and fruity providing lemon and other citrus flavors. I liked it with a chocolate cake labeled strudel which intensified the wine?s acidity. I don?t think that any Friuli residents would have called that cake strudel, but this review is about the wine, and not the cake.

My next food pairing was with whole-wheat pasta in a spicy meat sauce. The wine stepped up to the plate and handled the spice very well. It was nice and round. I finished this meal with out of season strawberries, in whose presence the wine became almost sweet.

With filet of sole poached in onions, a side of brown rice, and okra in a tomato sauce, the wine became more acidic and rounder. It was quite refreshing. It was a sweet, acidic companion to fresh pomegranates. It took on a nice acidity with pecan and caramel chocolate candy.

Montasio is a cooked, full-fat, semi-hard cheese made from cow?s milk and aged for several months. It has a pungent smell and a strong, pasty taste. The Pinot Grigio was not outmatched by this powerful cheese. Strictly speaking, Asiago cheese does not come from the Friuli region, but its neighbors Trentino-Alto Adige and Veneto. Once again, the wine changed its character to match this softer cheese.

This wasn?t a great wine, but it did go well with everything. I would most likely buy it again.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. His wine website is

A synopsis on Wine Kits.

Benefits of Homemade Wines

The right combination between food and wine is a source of ultimate bliss for every connoisseur. Both wine and food can benefit from the right pairing...

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Selezioni Dolcetto D Alba

A low-acid varietal cultivated mostly in Piedmont, Dolcetto wines are soft, round and highly quaffable. You'll note flavors of licorice and almonds complementing a distinctive structure and character courtesy of the area's fertile soils. There's also an intense, fragrant nose plus a dry, mellow palate promoting ripe black fruits and sour cherries each magnified through 12 months of the wine's oak ageing. Medium bodied, it bolsters a crimson red hue that tends towards garnet with age. Enjoy the 2001 Selezioni Rodellesi Dolcetto D'Alba with pasta with red sauces enhanced by anchovies ( a native favorite), red meats and a variety of hard cheeses. SDAW01 SDAW01

Price: 22.99 USD

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4:33 PM

April 2008 - Wine Varietal

A Wine Varietal Artilce for Your Viewing

Why French Wine Is So Popular?

Dissipated by the owners and winemakers switched to other businesses for next 14 years. Some surviving wineries were operating on Sacramental wine production. As a whole, the wine market of Napa Valley was flopped down. With the withdrawal of prohibition in 1933, the renaissance of Napa wine commenced with an era of recovery and followed by fabulous growth.

Some of the best wines come from France. Europe it is the oldest region where wine is produced. Their history of winemaking dates back to the olden days during the Roman times. In fact, it was from this that the knowledge of wine making spread throughout France.

France is definitely known for their wines. In fact it was from the 'French Paradox', a medical finding that observed that despite the French population's diet rich in fats, their risk of getting coronary disease remains significantly low. This phenomenon has been attributed to the French population's propensity towards drinking wine. This discovery prompted the many studies that have been devoted to the possible health benefits of wine.

Wine making process in France

The process of wine making can be considered an art form. Given that each wine maker can add his or her personal touch to the wine making process. There are many factors that contribute to the final outcome of the wine, such as the climate, time of harvesting, terroir, period of fermentation, etc. All of these tasks fall into the hands of the wine makers.

Who drinks French wines

Some of the best wines that come from various regions in France include: Champagne, Burgundy wine, and Bordeaux wine. It used to be that the people of France only drank wine that came from their locality. The access to railroads, and other transportation made the availability of wine through out the country much easier. France has been known to be one of the biggest consumers of their own wines. Although over the years there has been a decrease in this trend. So it has now become important for France to rely on exporting their wine. Also the excellent quality of wines that are being produced in other parts of the globe has taken its toll on the popularity of French wines.


This is a special term that originates from France. In wine making it refers to the natural traits that are conferred to the wine by any particular vineyard. Every vineyard is believed to have its own unique characteristic that can affect the outcome of the wine. Some of these include: soil type, altitude, how the vineyard is managed, how much sun the plants in the vineyards are exposed to, etc.

It is no doubt that French wines are included as a favorite among many wine connoisseur. Not only do they have an excellent tradition of winemaking in France, but the wines that they produce speak for themselves.

Art of Wine Tasting.

Learn the art of Wine Tasting

Another short Wine Varietal review

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When people think of grapes, the first thing that comes to their mind is wine. This is because wines are generally made from grapes. That is why most ...

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Savory Pleasures Basket Standard

Say "Thanks" or "Happy Birthday" to friends, family or business associates with the grand assortment of unique snacks, sweets and savories! Selections include Monterey Nacho Chips, Chocolate Mint Truffles, Smokey Beef Sausage, Chocolate Coffee, Cheese Spread (Brie Flavor), Nacho Pepper Cheese (Mild), Wheat Crackers, Waters Crackers, and more! Handsomely presented in a basket. SPB04 SPB04S

Price: 39.95 USD

Headlines on Wine Varietal

Tesco Lambrusco Bianco Light 1.5 Ltr

Mon, 21 Apr 2008 08:00:02 PDT
Case of 6 Tesco Lambrusco Bianco Light 1.5 Ltr Country:ITALY;Delivery:0.00;History:Lambrusco is one of the most ancient Italian wines varietal, known and appreciated since Roman times. In the last decades, thanks to its characteristics of being fresh and fruity wine, it is known worldwide.;Unitsize:6;WineType:Wine click here to learn more about this wine Remember you are dealing direct with one of the leading Online Wine merchants in the UK so you can be sure of a very good deal.

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Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:16:33 PDT
Among all the Grape varieties Cabernet Sauvignon is regarded as one of the finest. It is relatively small, black and thick. The thickness of the skin makes it somewhat resistant to disease and extreme weather conditions such as heavy rains, however it needs warm climates as it is a late ripening grape and even it’s ‘homeland’ of the Medoc it sometimes does not ripen fully. However when it does ripen it makes a truly splendid wine such that is often called the King of Red Grapes. It is grown

Wine Quotes


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