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2008 - Wine Enthusiast

Today's Wine Enthusiast Article

Plans Aren't Wine, And They Don't Always Age Well

The following crossed my desk recently. The author gave me permission to share her story:

"Please alert people to something we're experiencing right now - having to clean up the mess of someone not naming more than one person as beneficiary on a life insurance policy. We are having an impossible time trying to get the funeral expenses paid for my sister and my mother. They died within four days of each other, and they left each other as beneficiary of their life insurance policies.

'If the person listed as a beneficiary dies, the insurance benefit goes into their estate.

'The problem is, neither of them had a will, either."

(Aside: This means that both estates, the mother's and the daughter's, will have to be probated by the Court, and the Court will decide who gets what. The process can be lengthy, and it can be expensive. The family might not see the funeral money for a while.)

"Also, please alert people to be sure that the person they choose to be their medical decision maker - the person who has Medical Power of Attorney - is willing to do what they would want done. Review the mental capacity of the appointed person regularly.

'My 85 year old Mother couldn't bring herself to honor my sister's Living Will that said she wanted to be allowed to go. The doctor wouldn't write a letter stating Mother wasn't capable of making these decisions for my sister, who was in a coma.

'So, my sister was put on life support, even though there was no hope that she would ever awaken or live a productive life. She lingered for months on a ventilator.

'My family and I wish we had thought about all these things sooner. We are taking a closer look at our own papers now."

She is soooo right.

Life insurance is something we all tend to forget about. When you started that new job, you made out your employer's insurance beneficiary papers on the first day. Have you thought about them since?

What about your Medical and Financial Powers of Attorney (you do have them, don't you?). If you've designated your spouse on one or both, what happens if you're in an accident together? Is there a secod person named who can step in?

If you made arrangements for your children when they were babies, are there things you should change now thatthey're older? Now that several years have gone by, would you still appoint the same people to care for your children in the event of a catastrophe?

Do you have a will? If not, some stranger in a black robe is going to be making decisions for you one day.

What about your parents? If one of them has passed away, has the survivor made the necessary changes to legal documents?

If one parent is in poor health or getting confused, is he or she still the only one legally appointed to make decisions for the other?

This doesn't really have anything to do with your age. Everyone over the age of 18 should give some thought to these questions, and then take action. Should you do something about it right now, before something goes tragically wrong?

You Betcha!

About The Author

© 2004 Molly Shomer, All Rights Reserved.

You are free to use this article as long as you include complete attribution, including live web site link and email link. Please notify me where the material will appear. The attribution should read:

"Molly Shomer helps when you're struggling with eldercare. Find articles, resources, tools and support at

Short Review on Wine Enthusiast

Demystifying the wine and food marriages

Living the Good Life by Jim& Della Bogaty owners Veramar Vineyard, Berryville, VADemystifying the wine and food marriages -- There is a pair for you!W...

Click Here to Read More About Wine ...

Wine Enthusiast Products we recommend

Wine Essence

This unique and valuable kit allows you to speak about wine like a true professional. Learn how to taste wine while you are guided through its mysteries and pleasures. The kit is based upon international studies that have identified nine principal components of wine. The principal 'essences'—along with their level of concentration and intensity—are what ultimately determine a wine’s flavor and character. The kit includes these nine essences—sweet bitter sour smooth acetic flowery fruity oak and tannin—individually bottled and carefully prepared so that the suggested dilution corresponds to their concentration in wine. The more you use the kit the better you’ll be able to identify the separate tastes in wine and understand the countless ways in which they can be blended. You’ll also enjoy wine more and feel completely at ease when you’re ordering it in restaurants or discussing it with other Wine Enthusiasts. Kit also includes a detailed instruction booklet all necessary labels and a wine tasting glass. Click here for more details

Price: 69.95 USD

Wine Enthusiast in the news

Drink Red Wine Stay away from Cancer

Fri, 28 Mar 2008 04:14:38 PDT
A natural antioxidant in grape skins and red wine red wine can help kill cancer cells in the pancreas by crippling the cells' core energy source, says a new study.

Red wine antioxidant may kill cancer cells

Sat, 29 Mar 2008 05:26:06 PDT
The antioxidant resveratrol, found in grape skins and red wine, can cripple the function of pancreatic cancer cells while sensitizing them to chemotherapy, says new research.

God-Haunted World

Sat, 29 Mar 2008 06:49:21 PDT
The manner in which wheat must be beaten into flour to make bread, and juice must be pressed out of the grape to become wine reveals the suffering that Christ had to undergo in order to become nourishment for those who believe. -Typological Writings, vol. 11 of The Works of Jonathan Edwards, 73.

Wine Appreciation
Wine Stoppers


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9:46 AM

April 2008 - Wine Shopping

Wine Shopping For Your Reading Pleasure

Best Wine for Each Occasion

Home wine racks are specially designed for storing bottles of wines in a horizontal position, to help preserve the quality of the wine. Storing your bottles in a wine rack is a great way to prevent the corks from drying out. If this happens, the cork can shrink and let air in, resulting in oxidization, which will spoil the taste. Wine storage racks usually have separate compartments for holding individual bottles, allowing gaps between each one to allow air to circulate. Ideally, wines should be kept at a consistent temperature of around 55 degrees farenheit, with a relative humidity of 70%, away from light.

There are really no hard and fast rules when choosing the best wine for each occasion - especially when you consider the fact that people are partial to certain wines depending on their personal preference and taste. Here are a few 'soft' guidelines to help you choose the right wine for the right occasion. This will give you a good idea on how to complement an occasion - and certain dishe - with the right kind of wine.

1. White Wines - white wines, being lighter and drier than red wines are best served during the earlier part of the evening or before the main course. Chardonnay, having wide appeal among most wine connoisseurs, is also perfect for serving along with rich tasting courses, especially those that have creamy sauces. Sauvignon Blanc, while not as dry as Chardonnay, still makes excellent company with salads, shrimp, and fish due to its fruity nature.

White wines are perfect for starting off an evening on the right foot, and are also wonderful for toasts and special occasions. Champagne is a regular fixture at weddings and is indispensable at such occasions.

2. Red Wines - red wines are great for main courses and are typically served during the latter part of any occasion. Their full bodied nature makes them a great complement to hearty meals. If you are looking for the wine that is most certain to please the most people, go for Merlot. It has a balanced mix of body and lightness that make it the perfect choice for most dishes. It particularly does well with poultry, pork and lamb.

The scintillating aroma of plum, vanilla and blackberry make Pinot Noir an intriguing proposition during special occasions. It is not as heralded as Merlot or Cabernet, so many people may not recognize its unique blend. It goes well with creamy sauces.

For spicy foods, Shiraz is a fiery complement. It has a peppery taste that will greatly enhance the flavor in barbeques, roasts, and chili or spicy dishes.

For a hearty, full taste, look no further than Chianti. Chianti is the best wine to accompany tomato dishes and poultry. It is wonderfully versatile in having varied range in price and quality.

During some occasions you may want to prepare servings of both red and white wine, and have your guests sample which they would have for the rest of the evening. Most people choose their drinks early on and keep them until the end of the reception.

About the Author

Join Wine Tasting Party.

Thoughts about Wine Shopping

Choosing The Perfect Holiday Wine

Oh my God, it?s almost Christmas and I have guests coming, one is a real wine connoisseur and if I don?t have JUST the right wine, I know I?ll never h...

Click Here to Read More About Wine ...

Recommended Wine Shopping Items

Wine Enthusiast Italian Waiter Style Corkscrew - Black

Traditional waiter's style corkscrew used in many restaurants around the world.

Price: 6.95 USD

Current Wine Shopping News

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Beware That Glass of Wine (Washington Post)

Tue, 22 Apr 2008 22:04:49 PDT
Wine, beer and other alcoholic beverages are often touted for their heart health benefits. But if you're a woman, there's a downside to lifting your glass: Every sip of alcohol raises breast cancer risk slightly as you'll learn in today's Lean Plate Club column.

Restaurant Review #207: Maru, Valencia

Tue, 22 Apr 2008 22:48:22 PDT
A request to try Maru on the house was an invitation I couldn't refuse, and thank goodness I made the trek to the northernmost edge of Los Angeles's suburbs. Even if the meal hadn't had eight indulgent, generously sized courses (per person!) and even if it hadn't been free, my meal at Maru still would have been one of the best I've ever eaten. Maru resides in Valencia Town Square, an enormous outdoor shopping center that can be intimidating to navigate (think Santa Monica's Third Street Pr

Fruit Baskets


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